Megan Shaw

PT, MCPA, CAFCI Physiotherapist 
 Megan Shaw graduated from Queen’s University with a degree in Physiotherapy, after her undergraduate degree in Biopsychology from the University of Western Ontario. Megan is fully certified in Advanced Acupuncture, completing her training and certification through the Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute. Megan thoroughly enjoys the challenge of complex patients, so Megan keeps her skills up to date by seeking out post-graduate courses and workshops in oncology, palliative care, persistent pain management, fall prevention, musculoskeletal injuries, McKenzie techniques and modalities.

Megan finds acupuncture a major asset and a wonderful treatment option for those patients with complex medical histories or injured in motor vehicle accidents, as well as those patients requiring in-home physiotherapy. Megan is the clinical education co-ordinator for the clinic, regularly providing UOIT students with co-op placements and students wishing to pursue careers in physiotherapy with valuable experience in the field.

When Megan is not treating patients she enjoys the hectic schedules of her 3 athletic daughters, satisfying her travel bug and taking in the outdoors on a great hike.

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